The Scalable CFO Website Redesign

Based in Dubai UAE, The Scalable CFO has created a unique online marketplace that aims to connect small-to-medium-sized enterprises with highly qualified financial professionals so that these enterprises can make effective financial decisions.

UX Design

UI Design


The Scalable CFO asked me to lead a design transformation in regard to their existing marketing website. I wanted to optimize the landing page such that target users would remain engaged and excited as they explored the various services The Scalable CFO had to offer. Another major goal was to get target users to sign-up and onboard onto the platform they were selling.

Since the website was initially created using an online template that they no longer wanted to use, I recommended starting from scratch. This meant a new user experience and an appropriate amount of rebranding (except the logo; we kept that). My process started with some intense user research and multiple meetings with the founders so we could really understand what their target user is looking for when they land on the website. Once I had multiple personas in place, I proceeded with proposing wireframes of all the website pages that would be needed. From this I established a solid structure for the website and how it would flow. After that I proposed 2-3 different UI options that varied in color options, typography, and imagery. We decided with the one we all felt represented the The Scalable CFO vision best. After weeks of hard work and fun creative collaboration, the new The Scalable CFO website was finally live and thriving.